

Dear Authors,

Is New Book Authors Publishing legit? Clients rely on feedback in order to make an informed decision, so we feel it is important to make this information available for your review. Please see below for customer feedback. We hope to have made this a good experience for you.

97 thoughts on “Feedback

  1. Marcia Kellam says:

    Many, many thanks to New Book Authors for helping me publish my first novel. It is been an experience and a half to be sure, with many twists and turns along the way! I am indebted to EM, in particular, for her incredible patience and in-depth explanations as I struggled through the intracies of this process. It was much more entailed and complicated than I had expected, especially the revision stage. But, though I was probably the team’s worst nightmare at times, they responded with the utmost graciousness and never abandoned me or my project, even when I was being incredibly picky and, probably, annoying. Also, I cannot leave out the fact that their pricing is phenomenally affordable for all the time and effort they must put in. This enables writers on a budget (like me) to be able to see our work come to life.
    When I first discovered New Book Authors on the Internet, I admit I was skeptical. But I took a chance, based on their good reviews, the detailed explanation of services, pricing, and the incredible fact that they do not take a percentage of author’s royalties. It sounded almost too good to be true. But they HAVE been true to their word. And beyond. I am so grateful that I stumbled upon them. Without their existence, outreach, commitment, expertise, graciousness and patience I would still be sitting here with a completed manuscript and no actual book. I feel as if I have gone through a kind of birthing process, pangs and all. But in the end, I have a beautiful, finished outcome. Thank you all.

  2. Edward Kenny says:

    Thank you again New Book Authors and Em Hughes. You have surpassed your usual exemplary level of service with your work to publish my son’s screenplays “Montauk Noire” and Downtown Op.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Good to hear from you and you are very welcome. We enjoyed his book.

  3. Dee Miller says:

    *****Highly Recommend
    Knowledgeable, responsive, courteous, and accessible are just a few words to describe Em at New Book Authors. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience getting my debut book published. I had no idea what to do next once I completed the writing, but Em graciously guided me through the process. Once I completed my second novel there was no doubt I would return to New Book Authors once again. There is no greater feeling than seeing your work in print. Thank you to the team at New Book Authors for making my dreams come true.

  4. Donna Rydz says:

    New Book Authors Publishing is wonderful, amazing, and beyond helpful. This company does what they promise. They are fair and provide you with the best book services for excellent pricing. The editor I worked with (EM ) was truly one of the best people I have ever worked with. She was professional;, knowledgeable, patients, always in contact with me, emailed me right away (even on weekends). Honestly, I couldn’t have had my book published without her. This was my first book I had published. I had no idea of the process. EM was there for me every step of the journey. I will always use this company (and EM) for future publishing and marketing. This company is for real. Feel confident putting your manuscript in their capable hands.

    P.S. my book turned out beautiful!!!!

  5. Raj Kalani says:

    Thank you so much EM for helping me for helping me correct and setup my Clash of the Viking Gods book title and cover on Ingram and Amazon. Your knowledge and efforts were/are much appreciated!

  6. Charles Kitts says:

    I have a book ready to submit, but it is typed on a manuscript.
    As a senior citizen, I am not that fluent with computers.
    Can I submit this typed manuscript?

  7. Cyndi Sadler says:

    I just received my very first published book and it is absolutely beautiful. If anyone is looking for
    a publisher who is professional, easy to work with, then look no further. New Book Authors is your publishing team and that is the truth! Throughout the entire process, EM Hughes was patient, extremely supportive and very knowledgeable. I am looking forward to completing another short story with her help. She is totally amazing!! Thank you for making this experience so satisfying. It was an amazing adventure from the very beginning all the way to the end. God bless you and your publishing house!!

  8. Julie Ellis says:

    I have a children’s story (35 pages in length and written for preschool age). I would like to submit it for your assessment with regard to whether it is worthy of publishing. I have an illustrator. Should I submit the manuscript without the illustrations or wait until it is completed.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Julie,
      Please do submit without the illustrations. That is absolutely fine.
      Thank you,
      New Book Authors

  9. Joshua James Holste says:

    Words cannot describe what an awesome experience it is to work with Em Hughes and, but I’ll try:
    This company gives you the resources necessary to become a successful author and you’ll walk away owning ALL rights to your work with a publication name of your choice for Em Hughes read the first chapter of my manuscript and delivered the best feedback I still have yet to gain from anyone else. She is extremely kind and patient; as in I had to make A LOT of changes during the process to both the manuscript and the cover, and she helped me out as best she could with even more generous feedback.
    I am currently publishing yet another book with Em and will continue going through New Book Authors until my brain runs out of crazy things to write about.

  10. Cyndi Sadler says:

    Have completed my first book and would like to see it in print. I have read numerous reviews and all seem to say only good things about your services. I am retired and was looking for a way to re-invent myself. Writing could be a new chapter for me. I am crossing my fingers you can help me bring my dreams of writing to life, sharing my book with family and friends. Hope we can be on the same page together! Never too old to BELIEVE

  11. Thisith Priyanga says:

    I’m new author. And I trust this company for my work because i’m from sri lanka. Any way thank you for accept me.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Thisith,
      Did you submit via the form on our website? It may not have gone through. Your are welcome to submit again, however, it’s also possible that your manuscript was not accepted. I am unable to confirm as this is not my area, however, authors are notified by email with instructions and an invitation to submit again if adjustments are made. If you do not see the reply, please check your junk folder as it may have landed there. We do not keep manuscripts, they are removed after 7 days.
      Thank you,
      New Book Authors

  12. Edward Kenny says:

    I have published three books with New Book Authors Publishing and it has been an amazing experience each time. It has been a particular pleasure working with EM Hughes, whose patience, knowledge, ability to help and support is unparalleled in this arena. Kudos and thanks!

    1. Ashita Tolia says:

      Hello, I am Ashita Tolia from India. I am Author. Can this publisher can take cost of book publishing?. Or selected work and published. Please reply me. Thank you.

  13. Logan Foster says:

    I would be a first time author looking to put out a poetry book. I am unsure on how to go about that. If that is something that could even be published through your company.
    Thanks is advance.
    I look forward to hearing back from you!!

  14. Robert J Kotlowski says:

    I’m after my cost to have a fictional story published. It is 19,700 words long and may have 5/6
    illustrations which I can furnish.
    Like to know if there is money due up front and how much. Plus cost if you furnish illustrations. Paper back is fine.
    I’m a first time author. Thank you

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Robert,
      We’d like to discuss your book. Please contact us via the form on our Publish Now page. We’re happy to go over the publishing process with you.

  15. Carolina Santiago says:

    As a new author, I am also extremely pleased with the guidance and thankful for the support I have received from EM Hughes. She is a responsible, responsive and patient service provider. It is refreshing to know that there are professionals like her in the field willing to help your dream of becoming a published author come true. I feel comfortable asking her any question relating to the writing/editing/publishing process for I know I’ll get a straight and honest answer all the time.

  16. Anthony “Zute” George says:

    Just a great company to work with. I am so happy with my book. They are always available to chat through email and work with you every step of the way.

  17. Charmaine says:

    I got my book in the mail today. I’m so excited. It’s beautiful. My publishing team at New Book Authors was awesome. THANK YOU *tears*

  18. JAMES T BYRNES says:

    New Book Authors was great! My passion is writing not publishing or marketing. I worked with Erica (Em) and she took care of the whole process. Everything from editing, to formatting, to getting my book on various book seller sites. Be aware of publishers who promise everything but deliver little.
    James Byrnes

  19. Susie Jones says:

    I have written a children’s picture book with my own color illustrations and minimal wording. The wording is hand drawn and not font size or shape. Some letters are 2D and larger than others with colors or designs in the letter shape. Can you work with something like this or must it be traditional font sizes and types?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Absolutely. Please submit via our submissions pages. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

  20. John Heller says:

    How do I submit a manuscript?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Yes, please do feel free to submit on our main page by clicking PUBLISH NOW and using the submissions form. Thank you.

  21. Stephen DuPuy says:

    What are the fees charged by your illustrators?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Please contact us by submitting a form. Thank you!

  22. Stephen DuPuy says:

    Can I offer the purchase of a book as a returnable thru your service? Do I get to keep the illustration rights of I use your service?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Yes, our books can be set up as returnable and you would own the rights to the illustrations.

  23. Christopher D. Wayland says:

    My recent short story, Crossing the Meadow, was printed by both Amazon (paperback) and Barnes and Noble (hardcover), but the publishing leg work (formatting, some editing, and countless hours of email and phone consultation and advice) came from the folks at This was a palpable learning process for me, and Erica, with whom I specifically worked on the book, provided everything I needed to get it done. The price was certainly more than fair considering the amount of time NBA put into helping me. Erica was courteous and patient to a fault, and I would not hesitate for a millisecond to recommend her services and those of NewBookAuthors to anyone seeking to get his or her book out into the public. I am happy with the result as I hold this finished book and flip through its pages… it is not only my book, but the result of a collaborative effort. Many thanks!

  24. Edward Kenny says:

    Dear E.M.,

    I greatly appreciate the value you place on creating the best finished product for each individual author. Your service is truly a diamond in the rough.

  25. James H. Tweed says:

    I would like to copyright and publish an essay of between 4000 – 5000 words. Is this something you would consider?

  26. Jeremy Breitenbach says:

    I’m interested in discussing my book but can’t find your e-mail listed anywhere on the site.

  27. Eric Sanderson says:

    I recently completed the manuscript for a novel and included several brief quotations throughout–a couple of lines of poetry, a couple lines of movie dialogue, a sentence or two from other books. In each case I provided attribution for the source but I understand this may not be enough to protect me from copyright violation and I may need to seek permission from the copyright holders to use these quotations. Do you provide this service?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Eric,

      Thank you for writing. An attorney should be directly consulted when addressing legal issues that may arise from the content of your book. If the quotes are from classic literature that is currently in the public domain, you may quote the material in your book and attribute the quote to the author and title. Otherwise, if in doubt, leave it out.

  28. Adah Kennon says:

    I have a book that has already been published using Create Space and on Amazon for sale. I already have a ISBN and barcode. However, I am not satisfied with marketing through Amazon and having to spend much time trying to do this on my own. I can’t get Barnes and Noble or any other retail outlet to consider it for sale because I didn’t know that it had to be designated as returnable. Is it possible to transfer my book to New Book Authors? Would I have to do a second edition of my book for this to happen?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Adah,

      I will follow up by email.

    2. Marianne Petersen says:

      You sound just like me to the ‘T’ – I’m eager to find out what your answer has been.

      1. Customer Service - New Book says:

        We have published two books with Adah since her comment. Feel free to contact us via the Publish Now link. Thank you.

  29. Ginny Satterwhite says:

    I to have been reviewing your web site and find the terms and conditions on the Publish Now page are cut off with a hard right hand margin. Is this something you can email to me?
    I have just completed an historical fiction book and it is my first. I would like to have a phone conversation to discuss possible marketing/publicizing for my book.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Ginny,
      Thank you for bringing this technical issue to our attention. This issue has been resolved. Please feel free to use the form on our web site to tell us more about your book.

  30. Marilou Roberts says:

    How much would it cost to just publish my book for family and friends. I would like 100 copies and would noot want my book printed for Amazon, B&N, or any other entity. This is for my use only. I also would like hardcover too please so pelase let me know if this is feasible or not. Thank you.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Marilou,

      Printing cost is based on the number of pages, size, type of distribution, and whether the book is black and white or in color. I will reach out to you with some information. Thank you for writing.

  31. Wayne Stockburger says:

    I have been reviewing your web site and find the terms and conditions on the Publish Now page are cut off with a hard right hand margin. Is this something you can email to me?

    I have a completed speculative fiction novel, but this is my first. Can we set up a time for telephone call to discuss marketing concepts and how to gain acceptance and stimulate demand for the book once it is published?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Thank you for letting us know. Sometimes users on an older browser may experience compatibility issues. I will send an email to you with the information.

  32. Michell Burgan says:

    I have a book that is ready for the publishing process. What I need most is editing. Is that covered in your initial 550 fee or is that a separate fee.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Mitchell,

      Our policy is that we would prefer to receive a final draft of your book as opposed to a rough draft. So every effort must be made to send us your best work. Even the best of authors have an occasional typo so we review your book for glaring errors, omissions, and typos which we will correct for you. We won’t rewrite your book or make any corrections that would fall under the author’s purview. However, we will let you know exactly what you need to fix during the revision/editing process. We hold on submitting your book for print until all corrections have been made. We want your best work available to the public. Some authors do insist on moving forward and may be happy without revisions. Authors maintain 100% autonomy over their work.

  33. Fred B Brockie says:

    I have had two books published. A manuscript for a third book has been completed. I would to submit it to you. However, only a portion of the terms of the agreement appear on the website. As you recommended, this should be read before submitting. Please provide me with a copy of the complete agreement at your earliest convenience.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Mr. Brockie,

      We will get in touch with you by email. Thank you

  34. Sandra W Rainey says:

    After researching several publishers and reading the reviews, it appears you have no negative reviews. I have written an autobiography of a very unusual life, living in 34 states, moving every 4 weeks, 9 schools a year. Being married to my third wife-beating ex-con husband. Not finishing high school, but owning several businesses with no money in my pocket. Raising a new born without any help to now 53 years old and successful. Traveled extensively in central and south america. I’ve had so many jobs, from an oil well pumper to Rodeo, to Executive Secretary to large companies and more. Married to my 4th husband 36 years then divorced at 72, a time which had it’s own problems. Now, at 74, starting a new business. In visiting with Outskirts Press, I was still not convinced to use them after they told me that I would have to change the names of people in my book or get releases. There is no way I can contact every person in every state that I write about and that would THEN not be a bio. Is this a problem for you also?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Sandra,

      For your own protection, you should obtain a signed release, or use an alias for parties you are unable to contact. Legally, you can write about a public figure as long as the information is true and not defamatory. You can also write about deceased persons. However, anyone who is alive and well, you may want to get their permission or use an alias and non-identifying information to protect the identities of the innocent. This still would not fully protect you from a lawsuit. We would love to hear from you, please fill out our contact form so we can discuss. Thank you

  35. MM Carlite says:

    I am a new author that has never been published before because I have only been writing for about 6 years now. I’ve just recently looked into doing self publishing or the like, but am slightly worried about the logistics of getting started. I also am of limited funds, so do y’all have any promotions or things of that nature that help authors like me finally get their work out there?

    Thank you in advance!

    MM Carlite

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear MM,
      Please fill out the form on our main page and we can discuss. Thank you!

  36. @keke_nkosi says:

    i am a full time student and poetry writer, i recently released that i have a lot of material just sitting around collecting dust, so i want to publish all of it in a book, so what i want to now id if you guys will be able to help me in publishing it.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Absolutely, we are able to help you publish your book. Please visit our submission page, to submit information and learn more about our publishing program.

  37. Lenna Wyatt says:

    What would the fee be for a children’s book with my own illustrations? 43 pages. The text rhymes.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Lena,

      The pricing on our web site is very straightforward. I have sent an email with the information you requested. To publish a book, our pricing stands at a firm $550, which is due before services begin. For children’s books, if you are bringing your own artwork, our pricing would be $550. If you are interested in adding services please refer to our fees and services page. The fees and services page is an excellent guide to pricing our services.

  38. Tony Battista says:

    I’ve written a trilogy of books that I submitted to Amazon Kindle for e-publishing. I’m in the process now of doing a complete re-write of all three books. I have seen comments that once a book is released on Amazon, it’s almost impossible to get anyone else to accept it even after it’s been withdrawn from publication. Am I wasting my time?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Tony,

      If you are looking for a traditional publisher, realistically, it will be difficult to find one to re-release your book. There are exceptions for wildly popular books or best sellers that were previously published. An alternative path to publishing may be your best option, Please feel free to submit your book if you are interested in moving forward.

  39. Toni Terry says:


    I am completing a manuscript for a novel that has explicit content. It is in an urban setting and deals with crime, drugs, prostitution, and a host of other social ills (adult audience only). Would you work with a novel of this type?

  40. Norrel London says:


    I published a scholarly book in 2003 with a respected publisher in Canada. I have regained the rights to my book in 2016 and wish to self publish a second edition. Do you work with writers outside the US? I am from Trinidad and Tobago and the focus of my book is on the historical and sociological analysis of education in my country. Will I be able to access all the services you’ve listed on your website?

  41. Mark and Sheri Dursin says:

    Publishing our debut novel was a labor of love and a dream come true. And we can say without hesitation that it would not have been possible without Erica H. and the team at New Book Authors. We had a book we were proud of but no idea how to navigate the technical demands of book formatting and publishing. Erica helped us through every step of the process. Her knowledge of the publishing world is significant, and she was there to answer every question we had, from font selection, to book size, to cover design, to pricing, to e-book formatting, to ISBN and Library of Congress registration. We were so grateful for her patience and encouragement through the entire process. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the services of New Book Authors to anyone who has a completed manuscript and a desire to publish. A very reasonable price and worth every penny!

    Mark and Sheri Dursin, LABORS OF AN EPIC PUNK,

  42. Larry Ehrhorn says:

    I cannot say enough good about this service, particularly Erica H., who guided this computer illiterate through the mine fields of formatting,bar codes,ISBN numbers etc. If you are a first time author, as I was and/or have spent too much time trying to find a reliable agent/publisher, go to New Book Authors without losing more valuable time. It is very exciting to see that first proof in a paperback form. Erica was so patient with my endless questions and cries for help. Thank you Erica!

  43. Karen Looper says:

    i am currently in the process of writing a book and I know i will need to have it edited and ghostwriting possibly. Do you provide this service as well with the complete payment?
    Please let me know.

    Thank you,
    Karen L.

  44. Pat Mojarro says:

    New Book Authors is a fantastic company with extremely knowledgeable people. My contact was very helpful, offering suggestions to improve not only the covers but also the content. She helped me work through some problems I was having, which I really appreciated. Not only was I kept informed every step of the way, all of my questions were answered in a very timely manner. Lastly, the price was perfect for someone like myself, who lives on a small income. I was able to fulfill my dream of getting my book published. I would not hesitate to recommend New Book Authors to anyone. It was a very pleasant experience. I wish I had known about them years ago.

  45. T. Qaiyim says:

    Do you publish poetry? I would need an editor and someone to layout the book. I was working with Page, but 3300 dollars is a bit much!

  46. M. L. Nunley says:

    I am a new writer and have a collection of poem and pictures and a few sketches my children and grandchildren have helped with. I want to get published, but not sure of where or how to start. Most publishing companies are too expensive. I need help with editing and formatting. Is this something your company can help with? Is poetry hard to get editing assistance with? And what kind of fees will I incur?
    I am not a great speller but have accumulated about many poems over the years. I’m a mature women in her 60’s and would like to publish within the next year if possible. I’ve tried personal friends but their time is limited and I’m being push further behind with time passing. I found your sight while researching Page Publishing and others like them. Is this something you can help with? Thank you for a response.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Ms. Nunley,

      Yes, we can publish your book. Please feel free to send information about your book along with any questions you have via: for information. We would love to help you publish your book of poetry.

      Before you reach out, please note the information on this page:

      Thank you for writing.

      New Book Authors

  47. Dani Thompsen says:

    I am interested in publishing a couple childrens books. I spoke to Page Publishing but I want to consider all my options.

  48. Diane Schute says:

    We are very interested in your services. We are educators and want to publish a picture book and have two questions.
    1. We need an illustrator and would like to know the fee to hire one for this book.
    2. We see that once our book is distributed your services are complete; who pays for the printing of the books once is on amazon for example? Are we responsible for getting them printed when people order them?

    Please advise at your earliest convenience.
    Diane and Gail

  49. Dr. Rose Hamway says:

    I became aware of your site after researching Page Publishing’s ad, posted during some TV music screen shot. While I will need help with my finished produce I am having great difficulty completing the manuscript. Are you also able to work as an editor or can you refer someone that I can work with on my project. Any help is appreciated.

  50. Catherine Adrian says:

    I have written a picture book but need someone to do the illustration. What do you charge for that besides the $350.00 fee you mention.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Catherine,

      We have artists, and you can commission one for work on your children’s book. The turnaround time for illustrations is between one to two months depending on the number of illustrations. I will send you an email with details.

  51. RitaRae Elsberry says:

    Lunch With The Animals is a ‘First Book”. A toddler’s story that has been told in my family for generations. I have put it in print through Costco. The illustrations are by water color artist Miri Weible NWS.

    Toddlers love animals, repetition, chants ,familiar settings and funny animal voices; so does the reader.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Rita,

      Thank you for telling us about your book. Please let me know if there is something I can help you with.

  52. Cindy Liljedahl says:

    I have written a children’s book with approx. 2000 words…do you find the illustrator?

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Cindy,

      Yes, we have illustrators working with us whom you would commission for your artwork.

  53. David Huff says:

    We contacted Erica H. to work with us on our first book and she being the professional she is, was very helpful in making sure we had everything we needed to prep and sell our book. Her patience working with us as we were first time Authors was very positive experience. There was no guessing as to what needed to be done by us or by New book authors site. Her guidance through the process was very much appreciated by my self and my wife. Erica was easy to talk to and a joy to converse with when ever we needed to. She is very consistent in following up on all of our questions we had and is very knowledgeable in her craft.
    I cannot say enough good things about her support and time spent working with us in a new realm we never knew existed.

  54. John Wellman says:

    I requested services from Erica H. March 2017. It has been a pleasure. She is very honest, knowledgeable and professional. My children’s books have needed several edits and changes and she has responded to my many needs with patience and understanding and has emailed me promptly,(even on weekends) reassuring me in the entire process. She has also offered very helpful advice and constructive criticism to my works in order to enhance or improve their overall quality and consistency. I was novice in the book publishing process and unfamiliar with all the work involved. She has clarifed every important and crucial step, making the process hassle-free and an enjoyable experience!

    She has bent over backwards for my behalf and done exceptional work so far, do not hesitate to obtain her services, she is a true blessing. Her prices are very affordable and she receives no royalties and does not charge outrageous fees like many vanity publishers. She strives to protect and ensure the authors rights are 100% reckoned and will work with you and do whatever she can to make your book a reality.

    ~John Wellman (Author)

  55. Mohsen S Moadab says:

    I would like to have a phone call from your office .thank Mohsen

  56. J. R. Johnson says:

    I think it would be a bonus for New Book Authors to consider publishing a list of authors they have worked with including the titles worked on and published.

  57. Karen Friedlander says:

    I recently completed my very first novel and investigated getting it published with the many vanity press companies advertising on the Web that charge over a thousand dollars and up. Once you make any kind of overture, they begin to hound you to death to use their very expensive services. My experience with New Book Authors was quite different and much more low key. I requested a phone call with a real person to discuss all the particulars about how the process would work. Erica called at exactly the time that I requested, and she was very forthcoming and informative. All through the process of getting my book into a paperback and ebook format was something that Erica was constantly on top of. Emails were returned swiftly, even on weekends and late evenings. She answered all of my many, many questions and went above and beyond to make my book a reality on Kindle and Amazon. I have nothing but praise for the experience which entailed many revisions and two proof copies before I was satisfied. Erica was extremely patient with me and always polite and professional. This was definitely worth the $350 that I paid, and I would not hesitate to utilize her expertise in the future.

  58. Dr. Thomas Ofner says:

    It’s not clear to me whether or not you handle printing and distribution of physical books.

    1. Customer Service - New Book says:

      Dear Dr. Ofner,

      Think of New Book Authors as your publishing team. We provide all of your publishing services, then submit your book to the print on demand publisher for distribution of your physical book. Your book will become available for sale via Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retail outlets used by the POD and distribution company outlets such as IngramSpark, one of the largest distributors in the U.S.

      Please use the PUBLISH NOW link to contact New Book Authors directly. We would love to work with you.

  59. Steve Bussey says:

    I have recently completed my debut novel working with New Book Authors and EM H. and found it to be a fantastic experience. I’m am more than just satisfied. Ms. Hughes is extremely knowledgeable, gracious, and generous. And, she was always only an email or phone call away from me as we went through the process. Something very important to a new author, or any author really, Em was very encouraging and understanding.

    New Book Author’s editorial services are spot on and in-depth. Every author knows, or should know, that each word in your book has to earn its place and there was one point in my 75,000+ word manuscript where New Book Authors changed a single word in a sentence, from “be” to “feel.” Believe it or not, that one little change made a big difference. To say they went through my story with a fine toothed comb would be an understatement, and I am very thankful for their professionalism.

    Please count me as a very-very satisfied customer and I hope to meet Em in person one day and buy her a cup of coffee!

  60. David Goldstein says:

    I published a S/F book with a vanity publisher 10 years ago.Nothing came of it.
    I would like to resubmit it to you for updating the cover and creating a market.
    I have all the rights.
    What would you charge to do this?
    What would you charge to evaluate and or edit it?

    1. SystemModerator says:

      Dear David,

      Thank you for writing. New Book Authors is not a vanity publisher, we do provide publishing services and make your book available for sale via retailers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Pricing on our web site is approximate. $350 for our publishing services. If you decide to add services, $50 to edit for glaring errors or errors that would impact the quality of your book and $75 for consulting on the direction and packaging of your book ( please see
      We do not add hidden fees, contractual agreements (after we have provided services and your book is available for sale, our work is complete, we do not collect royalties, etc). The process is very straightforward. What is not listed on the fees and services page is that you have the option of using a free ISBN from the print on the demand distributor or if an author decides to publish under his or her own publishing brand or company, the author will need to purchase an ISBN and barcode from directly Bowker, which is the official United States ISBN distributor.

      Please use the PUBLISH NOW link to contact New Book Authors directly. We would love to work with you.

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